Natalie's Do's and Dont's of life: DO be artistic even when you are feeling down, DON'T be afraid of bad artistic ideas,

DO be happy with things you get but DON'T get obsessed,

DO try to make your friends happy but DON'T show off too much, DO be humble enough to realize you still have a lot to learn, DON'T fall down on your acedemics when you have friend problems (boyfriends included!) DO be confident enough to see that who you are inside matters more than how you look on the outside, DON'T let others bring you down by telling you something isn't true, DO follow the "seven signs of a terrific teen":


1. Being yourself.


2. Choosing friends wisely.


3. Treating others kindly.


4. Using good judgment.


5. Respecting your body.


6. Trying hard to be excellent (but also try to be humble).


7. Staying close to god (does not apply to everyone)


DON'T be a bad sport, Do congratulate the winning team even if you are upset that you lost, DON'T be too picky about your friends, DO be kind to everyone (even if that includes your X) DON'T let your friends fall down on any subject, you are their only help.

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